Tapitow Li Salay - Jason Courtepatte, CME, PEC, SCO
Tapitow Li Salay
p. 780.983.2622
A Master Electrician for over ten years, founder Jason Courtepatte’s passion for industry standards led him to creating a CSA accepted training program to educate and train business owners and other electricians, ethics, and best business practices to elevate the industry.
Recognizing the need for greater transparency, accountability and inclusivity in the industry, Jason’s own core values led him to focus on proactively helping the customers, end users and communities, often vulnerable due to misinformation, misrepresentation, and a misunderstanding of the energy industry.
This led to Jason founding the consulting company Tapitow Li Salay, which means “The Everlasting Sun” in the Michif language to honor his Metis heritage.